So, if any of you read about my first threading experience, you would say "I'm never doing that!". A month passed and the memories of excruciating pain started to seem tolerable. I thought, "Mary, you could do it again. It was only 30 seconds of your life and, oh, how wonderful were the results!" Well, I did go back! The second time was just as painful as the first. I warned the lady I would need tissues before we started. She asked if I was going to cry and I blatantly exclaimed "Yes". It really took about 30 seconds this time (I guess she wasn't weed-wacking through a forest like the first time). There were plenty of tears, but I felt better and so did my wallet! A couple of days later, there they were......
I was very sad to see those bumps appear between my eyebrows again. I thought it was the waxing, but apparently its everything but plucking myself. So, I am still on my journey to finding a better solution. Until then, they will be removed one at a time. Any ideas?
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