Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tuesday Tip! (on wednesday due to publishing error)

Applying foundation correctly can be a trickity trick.  Here are a few simple tips to prevent common foundation no-nos. 
1. When purchasing foundation, or tinted moisturizer, apply to your face and then walk outside.  I used to hear this and think it was pointless....until I spent money on a shade that looked great in the store and horrible in the daylight.  Store lights are nothing like daylight (even if they tell you it is simulating day lighting).  Make sure the product matches your skin tone outside before purchasing to prevent returning the product once you get home.
2. Prep your face!  Primer is a great way to keep your foundation looking great for long periods of time.  See my list of favorites for the primer I use. 
3. During application, DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT forget your ears, neck, and hairline.  I cannot tell you how many women I see with a distinct make up line surrounding their jaw.  It is hideous and people will notice, especially if you are using foundation that is too dark or have applied bronzer.  Extend your foundation down your neck.  I should make a point to say that if your skin tone is different from your face to your neck to your chest, blend down until you have an even complexion.  Some people remember the neck but the blending stopped halfway and they have half a red/pale/splotchy neck (not flattering).  Blend into the hairline and put a dab on the ears to prevent make up lines. 
4. Set your foundation with a powder.  If you are going for a dewey look, skip this step, but usually powder should be applied to your T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin).
5. If you like the airbrushed look, try using a brush like the Mac 187.  Apply foundation using a quick, circular motion.  Remember, if you are using more than a nickel sized amount, switch to a foundation with heavier coverage or use a skin-correcting primer.  More product does not equal flawless face.  For a heavy coverage, try Chanel Vitalumiere

187 Duo Fibre Brush

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